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Advantages Of Using Waterless Coolant For Off Road Vehicles

Off road vehicles consist of heavy-duty engines tuned for performance and are designed to operate under any kind of terrain. That is why the heat generated by these engines is quite high when compared to those produced by normal engines. Most of these off road vehicles use water-based coolants for cooling the engine. However, these coolants suffer from many disadvantages and are insufficient to cool the engine of an off road vehicle.

Waterless coolants are ideal for off road vehicles, as they can help to maintain a consistent engine operating temperature. They contain a mixture of glycols without water and have a high boiling point of 375 degrees. They are available in most off road gear stores and are increasingly used by most vehicle owners. Below are the advantages of using waterless coolant for off road vehicles.

Prevents Overheating
Waterless coolant has a boiling point of 375 degrees, which is much higher than the 226-degree boiling point of water-based coolants. For off road vehicles, waterless coolants can help to maintain a constant engine temperature when at high RPMs and stress of off roading.

The absence of water means that it will not vaporize and retain its liquid form at even high engine temperatures. Thus, waterless coolants are able to provide effective cooling of the engine. Moreover, the many issues related to water-based coolants such as vaporization and pressure buildup in the cooling system can be avoided by using a waterless coolant. This will help to ensure the life of the radiator, hoses, and seals, which are crucial components of the cooling system.

Decreases Fuel Consumption
During engine operation, the cooling fan spins occasionally during times of less air passage through the radiators such as when the vehicle is idle or climbing a steep hill. This will allow the intake of sufficient air through the radiator to ensure that the coolant is kept at a constant temperature.

Repeated operation of the cooling fan draws more power from the engine that leads to increased fuel consumption. However, waterless coolants retain their normal temperature, thereby minimizing the need for the cooling fan to function repeatedly for dissipating the heat, thus decreasing the fuel consumed.

Prevents Corrosion and Abrasion
Waterless coolant can prevent any sort of corrosion or abrasion inside the cooling systems and the engine block. Water-based coolants can evaporate during operation that can lead to erosion and pitting. They are not contaminated easily like water-based coolants and can be used for long without replacing.

In addition to that, water-based coolants minimize the wear and tear in the cooling system and can remain in the liquid state even at temperatures of 40 degrees below the freezing point.